Customs Notice No. (3/2020) Acceptance of Bills of Lading & Delivery Orders Submitted Electronically

Further to the Customs Notice No. 1/2018 on Submittal of Customs Declarations and Required Documents, and the Customs Notice No. 4/2018 on Submitting Air Cargo Manifest, and the Customs Notice No. 1/2014 on Electronic Airway Bills, Pursuant to the provisions of Articles 46 and 48 of the GCC Common Customs Law, In pursuit of Dubai Customs’ goals towards enhancing service delivery standards to facilitate and streamline trade movement;
Article (1) Bills of lading and delivery orders (DOs) electronically sent by the shipping agents/shippers shall be accepted without the need for stamping for all customs cases, provided that they include all the information contained in the original bills and manifests.
Article (2) Shipping agents/shippers shall be responsible for the accuracy and authenticity of the information contained in the furnished bills of lading and delivery orders, with Customs having the right to ask for and refer to these documents any time.
Article (3) The penalties set forth in the Common Customs Law and Rules of Implementation thereof, and decisions issued there under shall apply to violations pertaining to the provisions of the present Notice.
Article (4) This Notice shall be effective as of the date it is issued, and any provision that contradicts or is in conflict with this Notice shall cease to have effect.
Issued date: 10/05/2020
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